Spring has sprung, and while our barge is undergoing a make-over, we have time to enjoy the warm weather by exploring our neighborhood. We are close to the Canal du Rhone au Rhin, and it is one of our favorite walks.

We usually stop to talk with one of the American or English couples that are wintering there at Bourgogne Marine harbor. It is nice to speak English again, and we have learned so much from these conversations. They have given us many remodeling tips and useful advice about living on a barge.
Toby enjoys this walk because he can be off his leash most of the time. When we stop to talk with other boaters, he has plenty of time to stop and smell the French countryside.

We don't always hang out in the country; sometimes we go to Paris to sit in a café and people watch. We love the hot dogs at the Madrigal on the Champs-Élysées, and a rainy day is a good excuse to linger longer while enjoying the passing parade.

Toby loves Paris too. He is turning into quite the sophisticate, and he is even beginning to look French.
