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2009 Savigny en Tous Sens

Bill and Nancy

Updated: Feb 20, 2021

Our weekend away started with an upgrade to a pretty jazzy little rental car, and after a few wrong turns in Paris, we got on the A6 with what looked to be a huge traffic jam ahead, but we soon flew past all of the cars as the backup was going off on the exit. Lucky us.

We drove to Savigny-lès-Beaune to find out where we should meet for the Savigny en Tous Sens hike on Sunday, and then took the scenic route up to Nuit-Saint-Georges.

Driving slowly along the Route des Grands Crus from Savigny to Nuits, we didn't mind the pace as it was still faster than we travel on our barge, and the view had us exclaiming about the beauty of the villages and the ancient vineyards even though we had driven along that same road many times before.

We drove through tiny passages between stone walls wondering if we would fit, and that reminded us of the narrow stone bridges that line the canals. Driving on the back roads of France is a great way to get lost and have lots of adventures, but this time we made it to our destination without more than a dozen wrong turns, and we found that our random choice of the Domaine de Pellery on the Internet turned out very well indeed, and we would love to go back and spend more time there.

In one of the those six degrees of separation moments, we learned, as we were checking in, that the French husband and English wife of our B&B had owned and worked on hotel barges, and that we have many friends in common.

A local restaurant for dinner, and a great breakfast with the other guest the next morning set us up for a day of hiking. And, it was a great day. We met up with barging friends that we had spent the winter with in Paris, and it was the most fun that we have ever had on a hike.

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